Volunteer at the World History Archive
The World History Archive is a massive undertaking undertaken by professors, educators, and amateur historians who have generously contributed their time and energy to compiling the articles and resources we offer. Our massive vaults of information are limited, however, and the Archive thrives on the contributions of contributors like you.
Please read our Statement of Purpose to get a feel for the kind of information we are looking for. You may also want to glance at a range of the articles available on the site.
At World History Archive, we believe that no one reads very far in a scholarly paper and the first paragraph is the most important. After that, stylistically, it's up to you. We accept papers you may have already submitted to college classes, secondary or elementary school, regardless of grade, and whether or not you have since slyly embedded in-jokes and comments.
Please only submit papers you have written yourself, or first obtain express permission from the writer. By submitting to World History Archive, you grant us permission to modify, edit, ignore, multiply, divide, publish, print, reprint or perform your article publicly in a variety of funny voices.
Send submissions to submissions@worldhistoryarchive.org. You may include your article in the body of your mail or add a text or MS Word attachment. Please include your name or the name you want to appear on the article (feel free to fabricate a historian). If this is your first contribution from this name, please provide a brief personal biography of the writer (about one paragraph is fine), a list of the institutions the writer has attended, and any publications in which the writer has been published. (All of this information may be false. If you fail to supply this information, we will make it up for you.)